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New York City based Holistic Psychotherapy offering powerful & effective healing modalities to help you heal, love and create.


never too late

to turn pain into love


I want to help you feel more balanced and masterful of your life.


Long after people have failed us, or we have failed ourselves, the opportunity to embrace our humanity emerges.  And as the affliction clouds begin to clear, pain becomes our greatest teacher. I want to help you feel more balanced and masterful of your life.  Let’s explore/expunge the narratives that have anchored you from moving forward, because if you’re reading this, it means you’ve already given yourself permission to begin to heal.

What you’ll gain is profound clarity—you will have “aha!” moment experiences that release energy and lead to a distinct sense that you are literally transcending your limited state. What follows is inspired action, a process taking you from realization to an up-welling desire to actualize and manifest. This is known as awakening. Through our work together you’ll awaken a new way of living, and feel more energized, connected, and inspired— free from the worries that preoccupy you as you transform pain into self-love.  You will learn to let go—the greatest liberation from the past, and the biggest affirmation you can make for yourself.

The art of living, no matter what life throws at us, is to develop a little understanding, a lot of love and an ocean of patience for ourselves and others.

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